Weekly Practices That Will Prepare You for Therapy
A common phenomena with therapy clients (especially those who are new to therapy) is that you get to session and then feel unsure about what to bring into the session. While your therapist should be able to provide you with a few prompts to get the juices flowing, I have noticed that this feeling of uncertainty, numbness, or blankness can often make it hard for folks to get through the initial discomfort of engaging in therapy. Below I will elaborate on some suggestions that I have for practices that you can try throughout the week that might provide you with an idea of what to bring into your session.
10 Tips for Therapy from your Car
With the rise of telehealth, folks have to find creative ways to have confidential interactions with their therapist. Depending on your situation, engaging in therapy from your car is often a necessary choice. Having engaged in telehealth as both a client and a therapist for several years now, I have seen the benefits and the downsides of doing therapy from your car. Please keep reading to learn some tips on how to make teletherapy from your car work for you!